There are many advantages of open MRIs over closed machines. Many patients are opting to use these machines. If you are curious about an open machine, here are a few things to know.

This is the preferred screening method
If you need a medical imaging test, you know the process can be frustrating. An open MRI can help eliminate some of your issues. Closed machines can cause a feeling of claustrophobia with many patients. These machines do not allow you to move around during the test. Open MRIs do not have that problem. You are less confined throughout the whole testing procedure.
Anyone can use them
Closed MRIs cannot physically fit everyone. Weight, body shape, and mobility issues can hinder the imaging process for closed machines. Open MRIs are designed to accommodate any body shape. These machines provide more access than traditional methods. For patients in wheelchairs, they are able to have a test performed without any issues. The process from wheelchair to machine is easier for both the patient and the medical staff. An open MRI is more convenient for children too. They are often afraid of the dark. In turn, this can cause them to move around while the machine is in use. Open MRIs help ease the fear of the child. The parent can even remain in the room during the process. This support system is known to lower anxiety levels as well.
These machines have better technology
Medical technology has improved throughout the years. Open machines are more technologically advanced than their closed counterparts. Many doctors and medical professionals are choosing this type of machine for imaging tests. The open machines are creating fewer side effects too. There is no need to prescribe anti-anxiety medication before a test. Patients who use open MRIs also do not have to worry about recovery times either.
If you are looking for an open MRI, you can find a facility in your area. You can see the difference between a closed machine and an open MRI.